Bucks County, Pennsylvania
Chronic Medical Illness
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly half of all Americans will experience at least one chronic medical condition in their lifetime. This may include cancer, diabetes, hypertension, stroke, thyroid disease, arthritis, obesity, and many others. These problems often lead to hospitalization, long-term disability, and reduced quality of life.
What may be surprising is that these conditions have a psychological component and can be improved with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). Treatment approaches involve changing thoughts related to the medical problem as well as modifying unhealthy behaviors. People tend to also report an improvement in mood and outlook on life. If you suffer from any chronic condition, we can help.
Here are some examples of issues we treat:
Chronic pain
Preparation for surgery
Weight Gain/ Overweight/ Body image concerns
Anxiety related to heart disease
Adjustment after cancer